As your searching eyes seek my soul
I smile, pressing you close
And we dance
While the sky stops in eternity
And the earth is still
Listen to your heartbeat
Guided by moonlight
And the ocean roars
But I hear only you
Embrace me, as we dance
And we built our memories
Upon castles of sand
Indifferent to the world
But with tears from the sky
And the consuming flood of pain
And we build again
A drop of illusion scattered
Upon the solitary lake
With a prayer
We carve the key
That unlocks the gates of passion
As I sift the cobwebs of reminiscence
You embrace me closer to you
And we dance
Evening echoing behind us
A cradle to catch us when we fall
And we built our dreams
Upon castles of sand
Indifferent to the world
But with tears from the sky
And the consuming flood of pain
And we build again
With the irradiating dawn
Eliciting a rainbow
And we dance
Our invitation to the future
Never looking back
Torn petals adorn our road
As butterflies flutter
Pursuing the breeze
As the melody plays on
We dance on
We dream on
You and I
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DJ Lesser (
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